The mischeivious little elf did all kinds of things this year. Before he went back to the North Pole he put himself, Mommy, and Daddy on the Naughty List. He put Ethan and Hannah on the nice list.
Miss Claire as she is so lovingly called by her brother started Kindergarted this year! Oh what a year it has been so far.
Here are some Hannah funnies from the first few weeks of school:
"It is probably not the best choice to wear my light up shoes to school today because they make it very hard to use self control at naptime!"
Sung at the top of her lungs, "Tonight's gonnnna be a PIG Wrestlin Niiiiight!" -We are pig wrestling tonight.
"When you talk to the nice cafeteria ladies this is how you do it, CHICKEN PLEASE, I do not understand why my friends can not talk loud enough for the lunch ladies to hear them."
"Those boys at lunch told me they were going to put chicken nuggets on me, so I told them that I would handle them, and put Apple Juice on on their heads. They are now my friends!"
"Mom I had to move my clip today." Me: Why Hannah: Because I was playing in the lunch line, and I banged a boy in the head. Oh and I had to sit out for 5 minutes of recess too. I think I will use self control tomorow, even though Lauren made me do it."